In a devastating event, a news helicopter from WPVI-TV in Philadelphia crashed in the New Jersey Pinelands, resulting in the tragic deaths of both the pilot and the photographer on board. The incident occurred as Chopper 6 was returning from an assignment at the Jersey Shore on Tuesday night, going down in a section of Wharton State Forest in Washington Township, Burlington County.

The crash, which took place around 8 p.m., was reported to the New Jersey State Park Police, who were notified of the missing helicopter shortly before 11 p.m. The pilot and photographer, members of the news team at WPVI-TV, lost their lives in the accident. The TV station has refrained from releasing their names until family members have been notified.

WPVI-TV expressed deep sorrow for the loss, with reporter Katherine Scott stating, “Our hearts are just broken for these men. They’re broken for their families. We just can’t believe this has happened,” during a morning report from the crash site.

The crash site, located in the New Jersey Pinelands, a vast wilderness area known for its dense woods, rivers, and rare plant species, was investigated by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), which took control of the inquiry. The wreckage was found shortly after midnight by an officer from the park police, George Fedorczyk, chief of the department, noted that due to the remote location and limited visibility, the investigation was suspended until after daybreak.

Video footage from a WTXF-TV helicopter captured the aftermath, revealing scattered debris, some of which was on fire or smoking. The cause of the crash remains unclear, and the NTSB is actively conducting the investigation.

WPVI-TV reported leasing the helicopter from U.S. Helicopters Inc., based in North Carolina. However, company officials were not available for comment. Inquiries seeking information were sent to New Jersey State Police, New Jersey State Park Police, and the FAA.

This unfortunate incident brings to mind previous deadly helicopter crashes involving television station staff, such as the July 2007 collision of two helicopters from KNXV-TV and KTVK-TV over Phoenix during a police chase, resulting in the loss of four lives, including both pilots and two photographers.


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