african american mechanic working on a broken down vehicle

United States – The Department of Labor had revealed that a record of 4.8 million jobs had recently been returned to the country following the strict lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

President Donald Trump was excited to give the word of the new record achieved  however details of how the data was gathered revealed that the numbers were gathered in the earlier parts of June when the southern states and California had been declared reopened before having to close down all business again- putting the data in dubious light.

The report however, gave a chilling account of how many Americans were actually still out of work and how the country has actually hit a period of recession where many black Americans are targets for the infamous “last in, first out” trend that followed racist undertones as the country fights for it’s identity amidst the George Floyd killings, the riots, Black Lives Matter rallies, looting and killings all over using the George Floyd case as an excuse to riot as well as the government’s way of blanketing the issues by claiming the country was just doing perfectly fine.

Only 33, 000 jobs in the government were recovered as the rest could not recover the blow of the government fund drying up due to the COVID-19 pandemic exhausting the funds trying to fight it’s economy- deteriorating effects off.

The local governments will be facing a cumulative deficit of $615 billion this year due to the strain of the pandemic.

Many companies depending on labor force suffered as well as thousands of Americans stopped trying to look for a job considering the job offered sub par contracts, abusing the situation that the COVID-19 season was in effect. Many opted to stop looking for work as an even higher number of discouraged American workers dedicated to just wait out the viral pandemic.

 Women were hit harder than men in the whole situation as many women’s jobs were not deemed as important compared to their male counterparts, holding offices in housekeeping, hotel and restaurant, retail, etc while very little are in the bracket of professionals, lawyers, mechanical and the technical industry with as little as 14% deemed essential.

The country still suffers the aftermath of the COVID-19 spread, while President Trump continues on to try and push for his pre-election campaigns, ignoring most the medical advises of the doctors in terms of social distancing and putting on masks. 
