Protesters hold placards as they gather in central Brussels during the Black Lives Matter protest rally, Sunday, June 7, 2020.

Capitol Hill, SA – A shoot out in the recently occupied Capitol Hill area of Seattle has been just one of the latest developments in the area that is known as the proverbial “No man’s Land” resulting in one death and one critically injured.

The Capitol Hill police were nowhere to be found considering the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone had been overrun with protesters turned rioters, forcing the Police force out of the area. Rioters were looting and breaking all forms of properties in a frenzy as gangs took to the street to carve up turfs of the cordoned off area.

The George Floyd killing had sparked such civil unrest in the country that the outrage sparked even an deeper underlying rhetoric among the African-American about police brutality and racial profiling. The first part of the protests were inspirational to many movements such as the ever-returning Black Lives Matter but as the protests went on and the police started to equally secure and soften themselves to the message, riots broke out causing a widespread movement of lawlessness.

A banner stating “This space is now property of the Seattle people.” hanging in front of one of the looted stores spelled the situation as Capitol Hill remains abandoned by any form of law enforcement with many small time business owners choosing to stay at home as their properties were ransacked by out of control frenzied protesters the day the police were driven out.

The embarrassment the government suffered at the hands of the rioters prompted President Trump to tweet on his twitter account that “Domestic Terrorists have taken over Seattle”, cracking down hard on the police officials in the Seattle area for not taking control of the situation.

A shoot out occurred three days back which had a volunteer medic rush to the scene with his volunteer team attempting to keep the injured patient alive while requesting for assistance from the local Fire department which did  enter the autonomous zone as there were barricades and no police presence.

Volunteer John Moore and his team tried to bring the patient to a drop off point where he had requested the Fire department brigade be there to assist but upon arriving at the pint was shocked to find no waiting rescue, forcing them to divert their car towards the nearest hospital where the patient sadly died on the way.

The frustrated medic stated that the police and fire department were not helping them save lives as their private war with the rioters was hindering any hope of getting injured people a fighting chance at life as they are caught in the crossfires of overzealous gangs and the police trying to take back the area inch by inch in a stalemate that could result in the Capitol Hill gangs running out of resources before they let the Police take the area back.

“We are out here because officials are not doing their jobs,they are not listening to us. They refuse to make any meaningful concessions.” Volunteer Medic John Moore says.
