Facebook  “When the looting starts, the shooting starts” tweeted President Trump when the George Floyd killing had occurred May 25 followed by the biggest movement that resulted in mass rioting and looting in not only Minneapolis but other states around the United States to signal the change for police policies as more blue on black violence turns viral on the internet.

Facebook was targeted recently in an effort to shift the blame over to the social platform for allowing such content to be circulated that fed into the underground planning of social rallyist events such as Black Lives Matter protests or other gatherings. 

Another trend that has brought this very blame onto Facebook’s social platform was the online video suicide of 14-year old Molly Russel who utilized both the Faceboo and Instagram social mediums to broadcast her death as a result of immersing herself in dark, depressive and suicidal content that was exposed to the teenager putting to question Facebook’s algorithm of pushing content on children.

Her instagram likes were all on negative, depressive content which should have been a red flag for a 14-year old that prompted the movement known as #stophateforprofit that points at the content Facebook allows to circulate on their user’s walls and suggested groups.

Big companies like Mars, Target , the International Hotel Groups (IHG) and many others voiced their protest by pausing and pulling all ads and posts from Facebook and Instagram in an effort to boycott it following the trend of Stop Hate for Profit as their main push. 

Mark Zuckerberg has already started to address this issue by working on algorithms to target hate-filled content to remove them as well as crack down on hate groups and negative groups on their platforms. The case was brought even more further to light when Facebook had to answer for President Trump’s campaign ads on Facebook for using the Auschwitz Prisoner Triangle when they failed to remove it as it spread hate even when the campaign utilized the symbol more for anti-antifa sentiments.

Facebook has dropped by 8% in share price since this boycott had begun with possible forecast of it worsening as more and more brands worldwide are following the trend until Facebook takes urgent action as its answer so far was to label potential harmful posts and content to advise people to not access it. 
