Officials said Wednesday’s rampage was the deadliest in Norway in a decade since right-wing extremist Anders Behring Breivik 77 people killed in two attacks on 22 July 2011 when he detonated bombs in a building housing the Prime Minister’s Office in the capital Oslo and ran amok at a summer camp for left-wing youths on Utoya Island.

One of the other two people, an off-duty police officer, was found in the supermarket, one of several locations where the incident occurred in Kongsberg. The officer was not in uniform and was injured in the attack, authorities said. The attack took place over a large part of the city and the suspect was moving in the city, police said. Witnesses reported seeing a woman with an arrow in her body a few streets from the supermarket.

The suspect has been identified by police as a 37-year-old Danish citizen living in Kongsberg, contradicting earlier television reports that he was a Norwegian citizen. Police said the man accused of killing five people and wounding two others was a “37-year-old Danish citizen” who lives in Kongsberg municipality southwest of Oslo city centre in a statement. The police chief of a small Norwegian town said there had been a confrontation in his community near Kongsbergs, south of Oslo, between officers and a man with a bow, but did not elaborate further.

Five people died and two others were injured and treated in intensive care, including an officer on duty at the store where the attack took place, police said.

The motive for the attacks, which occurred at several locations in Kongsberg city centre, was unknown, but police said terrorism could not be ruled out. Two people, including a police officer, have been injured in an arrow-and-bow attack in the Norwegian city of KongSberg. The attacks occurred in a large area of Kongsberg municipality in southeastern Norway, where about 28,000 people live, police said.

NRK said police received a report at 6 : 13 p.m. local time in Kongsberg, a community of approximately 28,000 people, that a man had entered the city center and shot with a bow and arrow. The alleged attackers used bows and arrows, said a spokesperson for the southeastern Norwegian police district which includes Kongsberg on Wednesday.

Oyvind Aas, police chief in Kongsberg, about 70 km southwest of the capital Oslo, told a news conference on Wednesday that the suspected attacker had been arrested and that “according to our information, the only person concerned is the suspect”. Aas said there had been a confrontation between the officers and the suspect, but he did not elaborate.

The man used a bow and arrow in the attacks, said police chief Oyvind Aas reporters, adding that the police are investigating whether more weapons were used. The Norwegian police directorate instructed officers to carry weapons after the attacks.

After the attacks, the Norwegian police command said it had ordered police to carry firearms nationwide. The police department said officers were instructed to carry a firearm after the attack. Following the attacks in Norway, the country’s police directorate said it had ordered officers across the country to carry firearms.

Police investigate after several people were killed and others injured after a man used a bow and arrow to carry out attacks on 13 October 2021 in Kongsberg, Norway. Police cordoned off the area around the Norwegian city of Kongsberg, where a man armed with a bow killed and wounded several people before being arrested on October 13 by police. A gunman armed with an axe killed several people and injured at least two others in southeastern Norway on Wednesday, police said. Police officers cordoned off the scene as they investigate Kongsberger in Norway after a gunman shot and killed at least six people with a bow and arrow in the southeastern Norwegian city of Kungsberg on Wednesday.

OSLO, 13 October (Reuters) – On Wednesday, a man carrying a bow and arrow carried out attacks that killed several people and wounded two others, said local police. Police in Norway said they have charged a man with killing five people and wounding two others in a series of arrow and bow attacks, including an off-duty officer.

A man armed with an arrow shot on Wednesday at shoppers in Copenhagen, Denmark, killing five people before being arrested, authorities said. Police arrested man who used a bow and arrow to carry out attacks in the Norwegian city of Kongsberg and charged him with assault after he marauded the city for 34 minutes and shot the victims on Wednesday night. Aftenposten newspaper, citing police, reported that the attacks lasted about 30 minutes in a large area of the southeastern city, including the Coop Extra grocery store.

A 37-year-old Danish national is suspected of killing five people with bow and arrow in a rare mass murder in Norway, police said on Thursday. The man has been arrested and charged after five people have died and two others were injured in arrow and bow attacks in southeastern city, police said. Police said the suspect is believed to have acted alone in the attacks.
