PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC - MARCH 16, 2019: Man holding a smartphone and playng the Roblox mobile game. An illustrative editorial image on an bamboo background

United States – Election year has set in motion the strategies for campaign into the many states as politicians push for their pre-election campaign push despite COVID-19 spreading throughout the country.

One such tactic has been that President Donald Trump forced an indoor rally for his campaign in Tulsa, Oklahoma which resulted in adverse results where moree  huge percentage of those who attended were reported COVID-19 positive due to the order to remove social distancing signs from the chairs and stands.The latest unverified move happened in a game where the main demographic of children are between 9 and 14 years old. 

The game ROBLOX has been recently attacked by hackers who targeted user profiles to support Donald Trump in the elections with a message on the profile.

“Ask your parents to vote for Trump this year!” and “MAGA2020”, an abbreviation of Make America Great Again.” the caption said.

The game is known worldwide with over 100 million users around the world. The hacking was a deliberate attempt to influence the children to force their parents to vote for President Trump in the upcoming elections.

The hack works where their characters send multiple messages to all their friends’ list urging them to push for President Trump’s re-election in November.The other feature the hack forced on players was the addition of accessories and clothing on their characters that made them resemble the rallyists at Trump’s “Make America Great Again” gatherings.

The hack however, was not designed to take over the character as many have reported they can easily log in but the fact their characters’ looks were altered posed a great security threat for users everywhere. 

The icing on the cake of the incident was that the majority were not American players as the game is world wide and everyone affected were forced into the set up of looking like a Trump Supporter. The phrase: “Ask your parents to vote for Trump this year!” was the default for their messages to their in-game friends.

Many are upset with ROBLOX prompting them to revisit their security systems and enhance them to avoid further abuse of people’s characters from agendas not their own.

The gaming community and parents have started to feel concerned that their children would be forced indoctrinated into the ideals of people they aren’t even old enough to comprehend yet.
