NEW YORK, USA - Sep 29, 2015: President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, vice president of USA Joe Biden and the head of Presidential Administration of Ukraine Borys Lozhkyn during a meeting in New York

New York – The election just months away has stirred the country into a frenzy as President Donald J. Trump’s gaffes at handling the COVID-19 pandemic has gained his rival opposition Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden favor while the people scramble to pick their future leaders out before the elections officially begin in November.

Calls for 77-year old Joe Biden to select a running partner has been brought to public attention as he has yet to choose who to run with while Trump tries to gain an early lead with selecting an unknown governor, Mike Pence, to pull votes in the governor’s territory of Indiana and the surrounding states.

There has been demands that Mr. Biden selects a black female running partner as the Democratic party thought it would help gain the brown and minority vote while some state it’s just time for a black female Vice President stating that it would be a reckless choice for Mr. Biden to pick a white running mate with a party that’s as dependent on black and brown voters.

Aimee Allison of She the People, a political advocacy network for women of color stated “A Black woman as VP is a healing link that our country needs right now to navigate this historic moment.”

Presidential candidate Joe Biden had stated that he did not want to fully commit to a second term should he be selected and would rather focus on the next presidential runner to be whoever he had groomed in the Vice President’s role. Mr. Biden has not only been seen eyeing black female prospects for his running party but had also met with Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, both of whom are white.

Among the black female candidates he did privately talk to were California Senator Kamala Harris, former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, California Representative Karen Bass and Illinois Senator Tammy Duckworth, all who had been put on a finalist list of possible running partners.

The Trump-Pence coalition is eager to see who Mr. Biden will choose but the Democratic Party urged the running presidential candidate to hold off on that decision until little time was left before the elections to catch the opposition off guard in their strategies to undermine the Democratic Party’s vice Presidential choice.

Mr. Biden has vowed that if he should be elected president, he would do his best to groom the next choice as he does not seek to run for two terms being that he is 77-years old and was reluctant to take up the candidacy when he was selected due to the factor of his age.

“Nobody knows this job better than Joe Biden and nobody did the job better than Biden, so he’s gonna really control this one on his own,” Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia said in an interview about why Joe Biden was the best pick for the Democratic Party.
