Happy excited businessman celebrate his success. Winner, man in office reading on good news in newspaper, copy space

Facebook –  People have long been complaining of how they get scrutinized by stalkers, headhunters and HR personnel invading their Facebook for a look into their private lives for added information on their databases and background checks. 

It has set off many feelings that Facebook needed to grant people the ability to keep their private lives protected from outsiders as many claim that it can affect their social standing and even cost them possible job opportunities.

The demands had set off big changes into Facebook’s system which recently introduced the new Manage Activity  feature designed to delete in  bulk parts of people’s Facebook posts that they wish to remove from their timelines and clean up their profiles.

A filtering system helps even eliminate a whole period of unsavory posts from past relationships or even people from the Facebook timeline to protect Facebook users from being misjudged and even extracted for blackmail or or unsavory privacy-invading tactics.

There are great options connected to managing the posts as people can choose to archive them to keep them strictly for their eyes only, and place them in a trash bin to delete any posts that sit there beyond 30 days.

The feature is currently only available in mobile-apps as Facebook works to bring the feature to desktop sites but Facebook does advise users to also delete unsavory content from Twitter and Instagram that people feel should not be seen as they work on bringing the feature to their other platforms.

Many third party apps sprung up to offer similar services to give more control to users and corner the market that is already dominated by the titan of social media platforms, Facebook.

People clamored for more control of their Facebook profiles but so far, the turn out of additional features has been slow with Facebook having to work overtime to create strong algorithms to detect hate-post contents and filtering through the vast ocean of users in their servers alone.

The common protocol that most headhunters or HR interviewers do when speaking to an applicant is to check the resume credentials as well as locate the applicant’s Facebook to find any dirt on them.

This is common practice and has sparked multiple debates that what a person does in their own free time should solely be their business and there should be consent into peering into it.
