A Southern California private school apologized to parents after a teacher shared a video last month of her leading preschool students in a chant against President Joe Biden.

An eighth-grader at Anacapa Middle School in Ventura secretly filmed the history teacher while she lectured the class, telling them, “If you have a baby in the hospital, they don’t want to give it back if you’re not vaccinated. This is a complete power control threat.”

The teacher also made claims about the Biden family during the seven-minute recording taken on Oct. 18, including that Hunter Biden “is doing deals with China and Ukraine where he was funneling money illegally.” She added of the president’s son, “He also had child pornography on his laptop. He was having sexual intercourse with his own niece.”

The video enraged parents at the school, who shared the video among the school’s messaging app. “Earlier today a video was posted that has since been deleted as it did not share our school and church philosophy of honoring and respecting authority including those in government positions,” the school said in a statement. It is unclear if the teacher faced any punishment. Christina McFadden, however, said she has removed her daughter from the school. “It doesn’t matter at this point what side of the fence you’re on. This can happen in your child’s classroom, and it is happening,” she said.

The Ventura school district reportedly condemned the teacher’s comments, saying that they conducted an investigation and will apply its “progressive discipline policy” agreed to with the teachers’ union.

The kids in the class have been assigned another teacher, and the teacher involved in the incident remains employed at the school.
