United States – 183 jets were cancelled from Boeing’s June order book , delivering only 10 aircraft to clients due to the airplane manufacturing market suffering a dive in demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic just two months ago.

Many deals that were set long before the COVID-19 pandemic hit had to be put on hold or outright cancelled as complications arose about the deals actually finalizing due to lessened need for airplanes to be made. Sixty grounded 737 MAX jets were cancelled from its order along with 123 other aircrafts.

Finance troubles doubled as existing deals either lessened or terminated their contracts to save on expenses as leasing companies remained unwilling to place fresh orders due to the travel restrictions affecting the operating flight crews.

On the month of June, a 767 Freighter for FedEx was one of the main orders to go through as a result of the dried up market that only had cargo and military jets being active for re-orders and fresh orders amounting to one 747-8 Freighter, two converted 737 surveillance aircraft, three 767s, three 787s and one 777 jet being delivered.

Boeing has sold 67 aircrafts in the same month last year while only being able to sell 70 aircrafts in total for the 8 months that had passed in 2020 so far. The year had been a struggle for the aircraft manufacturing giant as it pushes for more orders to be made amidst the financial and travel crisis.

The pandemic has put the aircraft manufacturing market into a frenzy as Airbus in France, only amassed 196 planes for 2020 with only 36 planes ordered last month, placing Boeing at a great disadvantage in such a niche marketplace where every plane counts. 

Norweigan Air Shuttle A/S has voiced out that it plans to cancel an order of 92 planes from Boeing, putting the company backlog to 4,552 orders in counting to be cancelled as all it had to rely on was a remaining 119 orders last month in June.

Strict travel restrictions have hit all countries around the world, along with markets in Europe barring travel without due reason to other countries that forces the grounding of flights to and from countries like Spain which must endure a tourism collapse due to the travel bans and imposed 14-day quarantines of visiting tourist to the British isles. The only planes currently operating are return flights, deliveries and military aircraft crimping the travel and tourism economy to a stand still as it endures to survive the coming months without being in the economy actively.
