A massive black bear named Hank the Tank is wanted by California police for breaking into dozens of homes in South Lake Tahoe since last summer. The bear burglar weighs 500lbs (227kg), much more than the average bear, and appears to have skipped hibernation in winter due to a constant food supply.

Authorities say euthanisation may be necessary because the wild animal has grown so comfortable around humans.

Wildlife groups are calling for him to be relocated to a sanctuary.

Hank earned his nickname by hungrily barging his way into locked and occupied homes.

So far, nobody has been able to stop Hank, said Peter Tira, a spokesman for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Department officials and the local police have tried to “haze” the bear with paintballs, bean bags, sirens and Tasers, but he is too drawn to humans and their food to stay away for long.

Residents have called the police about Hank more than 100 times since July as he continues to rampage through Tahoe Keys, a gated community about 190 miles northeast of San Francisco.

The Bear League, a local wildlife advocacy group, says that Hank got to be his size (black bears average around 100-300lbs) due to his raging appetite for human food.

They have called for Hank to be trapped and sent to a sanctuary instead of killed, and for Lake Tahoe residents to be more vigilant about securing their food and rubbish.

“He’s not subsisting on a diet of ants and berries like a lot of wild bears do,” Mr Tira told BBC News.
